Friday, March 28, 2014


We had crazy hair day in 4C!  I loved the looks!!  Here's a peek at our CAFE board for Daily 5 in ELA.   We have come a long ways in the past month with our reading strategies, and setting reading goals for ourselves.  I even caught a student the other day, moving his name (sticky notes) to another part of the board.  He felt his goal has changed and so he wanted his name moved!  So cute!  I love how engaged they are during our CAFE and Daily 5 sessions.  

Here's an end of the day, last day of school before Spring Break picture!!!


Someone mentioned that they saw the geese returning from the South!  I sure hope that tells us that Spring is going to arrive ASAP!   Won't a dry playground, green grass and sunny skies feel good?  On the last day of school before Spring Break, I decided to get crafty in the Spring department.  Birds in cages it was!   I love their colourful birds and bird cages!  They are now hanging from our ceiling if you'd like to come take a peek!  Here is a small sampling of Spring in our room!

Social Studies

You wouldn't normally see a post here in regards to Social Studies, since Mr. Rinsky is their teacher.   However, this week, Mr. R did my Grade 6 FSL while I helped the kids with the creative side of SS!   We made tipis!  The kids worked so diligently and their effort is seen here in their faces!  Such concentration!  Hopefully your child brought their tipi home, so that you could see the finished product.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Playing our games :-)

I love these creative geniuses!  They had a lot of fun creating their games, and realized how much work real game makers have to do.   Some discovered that their rules didn't make sense.  Others realized that having the questions on the back of their board wasn't practical!  However, they all receive A+ for effort and I love how well they worked together and negotiated.  Real life problem solving!  Now to decide who gets to keep what?!  :-)