Thursday, April 24, 2014


In Science we have started our plant unit.  We planted bean seeds and grass.   Almost all the bean seeds are growing rapidly and the students were amazed at how quickly the grass sprouted.  We will use the grass to demonstrate erosion and how the grass and roots hold the soil.  The bean seed is demonstrating the life cycle of a plant.

freshly planted grass seed

freshly planted bean seeds

Can a seed grow without soil?

After a 4 day long week-end, we had grass!


We have witnessed the seed coat falling off!

The plant pushing its way out!

Close up of the Cotyledon (Seed Coat)

WOW!  It is growing without soil! Look how much the seed grew too!

Spelling Bee

We had 3 students who represented our class for this year's spelling bee!  All 3 made it into the final rounds and did so well!   Thanks to S. for being our photographer while I helped run the show.  CONGRATS to these participants!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Break 2014

I hope you all had a great week with your kids!   Our family enjoyed Palm Springs and a trip over to Legoland as well as to Wet n Wild, an outdoor water park.  It was great to feel the sun and to come home to Spring weather here too!   Now it's back to work in 4C.  This year is going by way too quickly!